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  • Writer's pictureAnne St. John

Paranormal Investigation Service

Ghosts. Cold spots in areas of the house. Lights flickering almost to answer your mind. Did someone or something just touch your hair, or have a feeling that you can't cross that threshold? This may be a time to get answers. Maybe confirmation that you are not imagining it. And if you are truly frightened, how to get your house back to normal.

Ghost in the woods
Our paranormal investigation service will help you find the answers.

I am not new to paranormal investigations. I was investigating the St. Augustine, Florida lighthouse years ago, and have been back several times with my daughter to experience many strange occurrences. These photos below, were taken after a ghost tour the following morning when I brought my nine year old daughter to the Lighthouse. We climbed to the top and when we started down, there we found un-smearable, bare foot prints, when no one on the steps were in bare feet. The prints lasted for several landings and never faded out as water or even oil would if attempting to recreate as a hoax. Definitively paranormal.

Another date years later, we were both blocked by a Spirit's energy from leaving the Lightkeeper's house. My daughter felt it as I did as we tried to move past this energy in the doorway to the outside steps. She also had the experience of a Spirit tugging on her hair in the basement of the house, which is now a museum. Since those days we have investigated many other local haunts in Florida, New York, New Jersey and Pennsylvania.

I have also been called in before to investigate homes. Sometimes a client feels that energy of a ghost or a Spirit in that area of their personal space. This is frightening at times. It is not unusual to have this happen with people that have a close family member in the home pass away. Sometimes we just need confirmation that it is them. But other times, it is a stranger, or someone in Spirit that has not left for the Light, and has stayed in a house or hotel that they passed away in or there for possibly many other reasons.

Getting the answers that you need to verify if you are in a haunted house, or workplace, is now available for you through our new service. Shifting to fieldwork, I am now available to travel to the local tri-state area around New Jersey, as well as work remotely with you to investigate via FaceTime or Zoom. I can get you the answers that you need to put your mind at rest and help those that are not in the Light to move on. Feel free to contact our office for details and questions on how to tailor the experience to help you the most.

Remember, ghosts are not in the Light. They are in a dark place and can make you feel uncomfortable. They can become irritating, causing strife within an otherwise happy home. They are also known to be manipulative and have even caused some people physical pain. Getting them out of your life and into the Light is the best possible solution. But first we need to verify that what you are experiencing is real, and then we can discuss moving forward with your family at peace, and hopefully those in Spirit, too.

To discuss how we can help you with a haunting, visit us at our website,

Anne St. John is a Psychic Medium, who has been in business for over 15 years. She is caring, compassionate and ready to assist you. From Mediumship to more, she can be booked through her website for your next reading.

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